I believe in miracles.
I have to.
- Terry Fox
When you give to the Terry Fox Foundation, you fund the science behind the miracles.
When Terry was diagnosed with cancer in 1977, he learned that osteosarcoma had a 50% survival rate. If he had been diagnosed just two years earlier, it would have been 15%.
In that moment, Terry understood the importance of cancer research. He dedicated the rest of his life to the cause.
As Terry ran those 5,373 kilometers in 1980, something remarkable happened. Canadians rallied behind his fierce determination and his message of hope. For the first time, people believed a future without cancer was possible.
Terry brought cancer out into the open, ended the stigma, and launched a rallying cry to fund innovative research that echoes to this day.
It’s working! Just 50 years ago, childhood leukemia had a survival rate of less than 3%. Today, thanks to cancer research, that number is more than 90%.
That’s why the Terry Fox Foundation, in tandem with the Terry Fox Research Institute, is spearheading an ambitious, Canada-wide project that will usher in a new era of innovative research and precision cancer medicine.
The Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network
We are poised on the brink of a golden age of discovery that will transform everything we know about the treatment – and prevention – of cancer.
Canada is home to many of the world’s preeminent cancer specialists and researchers. But until now, they worked mostly in their own silos within their own institutions.
The Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network (MOHCCN) will radically change that.
Under the umbrella of the MOHCCN, world-class scientists, oncologists, and patient partners from Canada’s leading universities, hospitals, and cancer research centres will finally be able to coordinate with each other so every patient, no matter where they live, has the potential for the very best outcome.
It’s a full-court press that will facilitate collaboration, leverage a rich and growing storehouse of data, and accelerate precision cancer care right across the country.
- It will reimagine cancer treatment with personalized, precision medicine.
- It will establish Canada as a world leader in this life-changing research.
- It will bring us closer to the Marathon of Hope’s finish line.
And it’s all happening because of you and your enduring support for Terry and his dream of a world without cancer.
Your gift has never had more life-changing potential
Your support will help build an extraordinarily robust resource of cancer data including whole genomic sequencing and related health data to truly reflect the diversity of Canada’s patient population. Over the next four years, we are committed to enrolling a minimum of 15,000 cancer patients with an emphasis on those traditionally underrepresented in cancer research. Over the following decade, the goal is 100,000 cancer cases. Yes, it’s ambitious. That’s why we’re doing it.
Decode cancer’s complex problems
Your support will help acquire next-generation sequencing technologies to decode cancer’s complex biology, its genetic mutations, novel drugs and drug pathways, and biomarkers that will deliver treatments with more precision. -
Leverage big data into big breakthroughs
Your support will contribute to the shared data commons and the analytical tools researchers will use to evaluate unprecedented datasets that include genomic and tumour imaging, clinical information, treatment plans, and patient outcomes. -
Shape the future of cancer medicine
Your support will help bridge the gap between science and clinical practice. It will ensure Canada remains on the vanguard of cancer research and care.
The MOHCCN is the future of precision cancer medicine.
- A catalyst for radical cancer research to deliver on the promise of personalized cancer drugs and treatments.
- A framework for collaboration and discovery that will improve the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of all cancers.
- A profound opportunity to improve survival rates and quality of life for patients and their families.
Why is this important?
Historically, cancer patients have received one-size-fits-all treatments based on the organ where their cancer originated. For example, most patients with lung cancer would receive the same treatment.
These treatments have saved countless lives, but they have limitations. They’re often very toxic and they don’t work for everyone because each patient is unique. As well, their cancers may stem from different genetic mutations. So, patients often have different responses to identical treatments.
What if, instead of this one-size-fits-all approach, we could tailor treatments to each patient’s genetics and the specific characteristics of their cancer?
This is the promise of precision medicine.
Network Voices
Hear directly from the incredible people who make up the Team Canada of Cancer Research.
Campaign News & Research
Here are just three of the incredibly promising research studies made possible because of your support.
As you read these stories, keep in mind, these researchers – and hundreds more – are part of a Canada-wide network that includes more than 30 academic and research institutions (and counting!) from all 10 Canadian provinces.
With the MOHCCN, they’re united from sea to sea toward a singular goal: to cure cancer.
Truly, your support has never been more life-changing than it is right now.
Along with its extraordinary potential to change and improve lives, the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network is a call to action. A call that goes back to a chilly April morning in 1980 in St. John’s harbour, Newfoundland … when 21-year-old Terry dipped his artificial leg into the Atlantic … and into the fabric of our nation.
It’s a call that continues to galvanize us all – as donors, as scientists, as champions for the relentless pursuit of a world without cancer.

Bringing new hope through Precision Medicine
Cancer patients and researchers discuss how the MOHCCN is bringing new hope to cancer patients through precision medicine. -
Our Network
In 1980, Terry Fox united Canadians under a message of hope, revolutionizing cancer research and care in Canada. Inspired by Terry, we are uniting cancer centres across the country to do the same thin... -
What is Precision Medicine?
The Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network seeks to accelerate precision medicine for cancer...but what is precision medicine? And why is it important? -
Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network
Introducing our #RoadmapToCureCancer.
This is the cornerstone for the future of cancer research, treatments, and cures
For more information:
Joanna Tong, Vice President, Philanthropy
(250) 884-7228
The Terry Fox Foundation
8960 University High St., Suite 150
Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 4Y6